Project website:

Romanian Electoral Data is a resource platform supported by CNCSIS-UEFISCSU/UEFISCDI, Micro and Macro Predictors of Electoral Behavior in Post-Communist Romania Project, number PN II-RU 311/2010. Micro and Macro Predictors of Electoral Behavior in Post-Communist Romania is a research program of country specific electoral studies.

Building on previously gathered data, this project aims at advancing the understanding of opinions, preferences, political culture and social and economic choices of citizens that are of fundamental relevance for the work of the democratic process in Romania. The larger purpose is to propose and justify sound analysis and policy recommendations. For these the project aims at building integrated social, political and electoral datasheets including the data gathered over the past twenty years by various institutions in Romania, and at producing a comprehensive analysis of the fundamental changes undergone by the Romanian society in the process of joining the EU.

We will build upon the work and results of several cross-national comparative data initiatives by using comparable frameworks with the purpose of producing complimentary results which will allow the use of the Romanian data in cross-country comparative studies.